How to apply?
Application for the Masters of Physics program are centrally organised at KIT and can be submitted via the website of the service unit Study and Teaching. Different application deadlines apply for applications from within the European Union (for the winter semester by September 30 and for the summer semester by March 31 of a year) and for non-EU applications (for the winter semester by July 15 and for the summer semester by January 15 of a year). The default is an application for the winter semester.
For your applications you will need:
- Proof of Bachelor's degree including Diploma Supplement and Transcript of Records. If you do not yet have your Bachelor's degree, but expect to graduate by the start of the Master's program, please enclose the confirmations of the course and examination achievements up to this point.
- A form in which you indicate the achievements in the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) so far and assign them to individual subjects. You will find further instructions on the form.
- A letter of motivation (about 1000-3000 characters) in German or English, briefly summarizing the motivation for studying in the Master's program in Physics at KIT.
- A proof of required English language skills. Details can be found here.
Depending on the ECTS points you have earned, you may be invited by the admission committee to an interview in which your professional competences in theoretical and experimental physics as well as your ability to present physics topics in an engaging way will be evaluated. The interview will usually take place online and will be conducted in English.
Study plan and specialization
The master's program usually lasts 4 semesters. The language of instruction of the program is English. During the first two semesters, you can choose from a wide range of special lectures on research topics of the department. Depending on your interests, you can set your own focus. From a spectrum of specialization fields, you choose a major, a second major, and a minor, which you pursue with varying intensity. In addition, you will complete an advanced physics laboratory course and interdisciplinary qualifications in which you have extensive elective options. You will then spend the remaining two semesters working on your master's thesis in a research group of your choice. In collaboration with your supervisor, you will work on an original problem in modern research.
The following topics of specialization are possible and can be selected, with varying level of specialization, as major, second major or minor:
Detailed information about the curriculum can be found in the Module Manual SPO 2023. More specific information can be found under Documents and Guidelines. Finally, students who are not EU/EEA citizens may have to pay a moderate tuition. For details see KIT's International Affairs office.
Video on Course of Study, Choices and Conditions on Choices
The student council of the department prepared a video that describes the building blocks of the course of study and summarizes important conditions for your choices of the major, second major, and a minor.