Fiber Test Track for Quantum Networks A new 20 km long fiber optic test track connects specially equipped laboratories at KIT's South Campus and North Campus as a quantum optical transmission link. State-of-the-art technology is used here, which can be used to transmit quantum keys, for example |
More sustainable particle accelerators Particle accelerators are used in medicine, materials research and basic research, among others. In the RF 2.0 project, KIT is working with other large particle accelerator facilities to investigate how accelerators can be operated more energy-efficiently and sustainably. |
BMBF Funding for Experimental Particle Physics at KIT The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the KIT with 8.2 million euros. This sum will enable the Institute of Experimental Particle Physics to play a greater role in the further development and data analysis of the two international particle detector projects CMS and Belle II. Further Information |
Distinguished lectures at the department in 2023/24 and 2024 Based on the results of the teaching evaluation, each semester the KIT Faculty of Physics awards prizes to the best rated lecturers in each category. We congratulate the award winners and wish them further success.
Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger im Wintersemester 2023/24 |
Campus Day 2024 at KIT On 8.6.24, a sunny Saturday, KIT opened its campus for prospective students and their parents during the annual "Campus Day". At the KIT-Department of Physics, a team of professors, scientific staff and students were available to answer questions and explain the various study programs available in Physics, Geophysics, and Meteorology and Climate Physics. |
Extension of the Collaborative Research Center "Elasto-Q-Mat" The Collaborative Research Center Transregio 288, Elastic Tuning and Response of Electronic Quantum Phases of Matter is being funded by the German Research Foundation for a further four years. This research program is jointly carried out by the Universities of Frankfurt and Mainz and the KIT. |
Teaching Award of the Department 2024 The Physics Student Council is the winner of the Teaching Award of the Physics Department in recognition of its commitment and service to students. Congratulations! |
Honorary Doctorate for Herwig Schopper Prof. Herwig Schopper, former university lecturer in Karlsruhe, was awarded an honorary doctorate from KIT at a ceremony on March 6, 2024. After a decade of work in Karlsruhe, Mr. Schopper later headed the two major research institutions DESY and CERN. Read more |
How hot will our summers get? A high-resolution climate simulation ensemble reveals the future development of heatwaves with climate change and the local heat stress for southern Germany. Read more |
DPG Spring Meeting 2024 From March 4 to March 8, 2024, the Spring Meeting of the division particle physics of the German Physical Society will take place at KIT. Around 1000 participants are expected. |
KIT and the European Quantum Center in Strasbourg Professor Anja Metelmann of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) has the opportunity to teach and conduct research in quantum computing across borders with the European Confederation of Upper Rhine Universities (EUCOR). Read more |
Quantum Technologies for Axion Dark Matter Search The project DarkQuantum is being funded with a prestigious ERC synergy grant for six years. Wolfgang Wernsdorfer is one of the leaders of the project, which aims to experimentally prove the existence of axions using quantum technologies. Read more |
Sarah Jones appointed first woman to head the German Meteorological Service Prof. Sarah Jones, former professor in the Department of Tropospheric Research at the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research, was appointed as first female President of the German Weather Service by the Federal Minister for Digitization and Transport on August 1st, 2023. The German Weather Service is a federal agency based in Offenbach am Main, Hesse. It provides the weather forecast for the German public and users such as shipping, agriculture and the international scientific community. We warmly congratulate our former colleague on her new position! To press release/ DWD |
On the hunt of thunderstorms and hail ... ... with hail sondes and drones for a better understanding of hail formation - training successfully completed. |
Dresden Physics Prize for Jörg Schmalian Jörg Schmalian received the 2023 Dresden Physics Prize for his research in condensed matter theory and in recognition of his achievements in promoting close cooperation between the Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS) and the TU Dresden. Read more |
Distinguished lectures at the department in 2023 Based on the results of the teaching evaluation, each semester the KIT Faculty of Physics awards prizes to the best rated lecturers in each category. We congratulate the award winners and wish them further success. |
Teaching Award of the Department 2023: Alexander Lemburg For outstanding teaching in the Introduction Week for international first-year students in the MSc Meteorology and Climate Physics, Dr. Alexander Lemburg receives the Teaching Award of the Physics-Department 2023. See video |
3. Juli 2023 – KIT im Rathaus: „Das Universum und wir“ On July 3, 2023, KCETA will again present an event for the public in the series "KIT im Rathaus (KIT in the City Hall)". There will be a series of lectures on the topic "The Universe and Us". |
State Research Award for Anke-Susanne Müller Professor Anke-Susanne Müller of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) will receive the Baden-Württemberg 2022 State Research Award, which honors the top physicist for her achievements in basic research. With her team, Müller is making groundbreaking contributions to making particle accelerators more stable, compact, and energy-efficient. Read more |
Distinguished lectures at the faculty in 2022 and 2022/23. Based on the results of the teaching evaluation, each semester the KIT Faculty of Physics awards prizes to the best rated lecturers in each category. We congratulate the award winners and wish them further success. |
Humboldt Professorship The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) brings another world-leading researcher to Germany: Particle physicist Markus Klute is awarded a Humboldt Professorship. With this, KIT aims to achieve a world-leading position in the LHC program at CERN. Mehr erfahren |
Faculty Teaching Award 2022 Kirsten Eilert and Andreas Schubert will receive the Teaching Award of the KIT Department of Physics in 2022. Congratulations! Video der Preisträger |
Bardeen Prize The prestigious Bardeen Prize of 2022 will be awarded to Jörg Schmalian (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Mohit Randeria, (The Ohio State University), and Peter Hirschfeld (University of Florida). The prize recognizes their pioneering theoretical work that has provided significant insights into the nature of superconductivity, its realization in strongly correlated systems, and the experimental study of unconventional superconductors. |
Astronaut A. Gerst receives honorary doctorate The German ESA astronaut received an honorary doctorate from the KIT Department of Physics and the Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences. Alexander Gerst flew in two missions, 2014 and 2018, both to the International Space Station ISS. He began his scientific career at the University of Karlsruhe, where he graduated in geophysics in 2003. Mehr erfahren |